Best Business Award 2023
Ganser Liftsysteme achieved a top ranking in the BEST BUSINESS AWARD 2023 for sustainable corporate management in the category 30 to 100 employees among 27 companies from the 3-country region of Lower Bavaria, Upper Austria and South Bohemia.
Two lift specialists from Upper Austria and one company each from Lower Bavaria and South Bohemia/Czech Republic (CZ) qualified for the final. Ganser Liftsysteme from St. Peter am Wimberg, Ascendor GmbH (Neufelden), FotoFinder Systems GmbH (Bad Birnbach, Germany) and Wittmann Battenfeld CZ spol. s r.o. (CZ-Dobev).
The jury - made up of experienced entrepreneurs - visited the respective companies in advance to get a concrete picture before finally awarding GANSER LIFTSYSTEME third place last Tuesday, October 24, 2023. In addition to the award gala at the high-tech company Rohde & Schwarz in Vimperk (CZ), a benchmark event including a get-together awaited the finalists.
Award for sustainable corporate management
The BBA Award is the award for sustainable corporate management. Awarded annually by the Best Business Association (BBA), a strong, tri-national business network in the European region of Danube-Moldova. "We are proud to be part of this valuable network with our entrepreneurial spirit, responsible & sustainable thinking and trading," say Managing Directors Bernhard Ganser and Gerhard Wolkerstorfer.